Tag Archives: Braces Improve Smile

How Headgear Braces Can Help Improve Your Child’s Smile

Headgear braces are a type of orthodontic treatment that helps to correct the alignment of the teeth and jaws. They are most commonly used in children and teenagers, but can also be used in adults. Headgear braces work by applying pressure to the teeth and jaws, which helps to move them into the correct position.

Headgear Braces Before and After

Checkout Headgear Braces Before and After to see what happens with your face, smile and teeth before and after you Wear Headgear Braces. Before we compare headgear braces before and after, please keep in mind that Headgear braces start the positive effects when patients wear it approximately 10-14 hours in a day. These are effective if in correcting… Read More »

Why do People Wear Headgear Braces?

Learn why do people wear Headgear Braces! Not everyone is naturally blessed with well-aligned teeth.  Sometimes the help of an orthodontist is very much needed. Braces are the best bet when it comes to giving your teeth the perfect shape and they are available in a variety of forms. You can either go for traditional metallic braces or… Read More »